Sunday, November 21, 2010

Repetitive Movement

Series of Nine.

I love repetitive movement. My artwork reflects that. Well, some of it does. I enjoy taking one item and then add another of the same item. Then another. And another. What does it do?

I save stupid stuff like tin can lids and the tin can itself. One or two alone looks like junk but 100 of them? Critical mass! Now there’s something to work with!

Last week, I was in a one-day show/sale in Sherman Oaks, CA: a suburb of Los Angeles. (Do NOT tell anyone from Sherman Oaks I said that!) I’d been asked to bring artwork that was not overly expensive. OK, I believe my work is reasonably priced so I assumed they meant “low cost” or “less expensive”… certainly not cheap!

For this show I created 42 new pieces. They are woven newspaper assemblages. Each piece is 12 inches by 12 inches. Each assemblage is made from three different woven newspaper pieces which are layered and cut into more pieces. The pieces from the three are reassembled into the finished product(s).

I should call them puzzles. But that may be too obscure if one has only one of them. Oh well…

I have been making these assemblages for about 8 years. I’ve experimented with the design and number of pieces in the puzzle. I realized that simple is better and I found a design that I never tire of making. Repetitive. The design is simple and it works for me. Repetitive. I hope you like it too!

I have puzzles hanging in my house singly, in pairs and in threes. I would love to have a wall where I can hang them in a 9-piece grid! I did sell nine of them for an office space where they hung them in a 3 X 3 grid and it looks fantastic! (It’s the photo for this blog.)

These assemblages are one of a kind… and intriguing. I love making them and have a number of them available. They are mounted on Bristol board and are small enough to easily mail. Each is ready for framing.

‘Tis the Season. I’m offering one woven assemblage each day for $50 with free shipping - ground shipping within the continental US…. My usual price is $100.00 + shipping & handling.

If you like my work, please follow the link on Twitter & check out more of my Woven Assemblages or Puzzles.

These Woven Assemblages are NOT on my website but that doesn’t mean you can’t check it out anyway!

Please take time to visit my website at Take a look at my artwork. Contact me if you want to buy one of my works or if you have any questions about a specific piece. My contact information is on my website or you can leave a comment on this blog site for me to contact you (include your contact info!). You can e-mail me at or you can telephone me on my studio phone 760-992-3157. You can call me. I won’t mind; I’m hanging out at the gallery with nothing to do. That’s totally untrue. I’m weaving while minding the store.

Thank you for listening,

Jerry L. Hanson

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