Monday, March 21, 2011

One Week Only: Black Rock City!

Black Rock City

For one week each year, Black Rock City is the third largest city in Nevada. The other 51 weeks, Black Rock City does not exist. Entry to the city is strictly controlled. If you do not have your “passport”, you cannot enter the city. I have my “passport”, (aka ticket). And I am excited to be going.

Black Rock City is the annual home of Burning Man and is considered one of the harshest environments in the US. Considering there are no utilities or other amenities, they may be right! Black Rock City (BRC) is about 4,000-feet in elevation, in the Nevada desert.

Phsssst. I live in the desert 52 weeks a year. I know desserts.

Palm Springs is at or below sea level, depending upon where one stands when measuring. It’s stinking hot here in August, day and night. It’s stinking hot in BRC, too. Only during the day: at night the temperatures can drop into the 40’s or even lower. THAT desert, I am not used to! Coping with a 60 to 80 degree temperature change is a challenge.

I’m a Burning Man Virgin: this will be my first Burn. If you are a Burner, please don’t laugh too loudly at my naiveté. Next year, I shall know better.

My friend, Joe, has gone home to Burning Man for years. He is my Mentor. “Wear fur,” he says. “FUR?” I ask incredulously. “I would worry about all the PETA people! And, I’m sure they are there!” “Faux fur…” “Oh……” Again, my naiveté For those cold nights on the Playa, one finds ways to express one’s self through creative dress. Faux Fur… Dress is art. Or, sometimes, it’s just a dress…

I shop on-line. If it’s not the local thrift store (read second-hand), I’m shopping on-line. Love! I found faux fur, burgundy & grey, 3-inch fur for $15.00 a yard AND that yard is 60 inches wide! I purchased 4 yards! That’s a lot of faux. Now I have to figure out what to make with all that fur. I’m thinking a cloak. I can use it as a blanket during the night, Sew……..

Four months ago, I was cleaning out my studio, getting rid of all those useless things I’ve been holding on to. I took my Singer Sewing Machine to the second-hand store since I’d not used it for over 20 years. Damn! WHAT was I thinking?!?!

While I’m obsessing about Burning Man, I‘m also offering a couple of special deals on my artwork. I have pricing for most budgets – check them out here: Contact me if you see something you like and please visit the rest of my website while you are there. Take a look at my artwork. And, while you’re checking things out at, sign up for my Newsletter. Add some spice to your reading life….

Contact me if you want to buy one of my pieces or if you have any questions about a specific piece. My contact information is on my website or you can leave a comment on this blog site for me to contact you (include your contact info!). You can e-mail me at or you can telephone me on my studio phone 760-992-3157. You can call me. I won’t mind!

Thank you for listening,

Jerry L. Hanson

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